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Meet The Team-Our Story
Kia Ora, Sat Sri Akal, Hello and welcome to Mixt Couture.
Some Background about our family and where we come from in the world.
Ko Ngati Hine te Hapu, Ko Ngapuhi te Iwi, Ko Hikurangi te awa, Ko Motatau te Maunga, Ko Ngatokimatawhaorua te Waka.
My name is Rochelle and I am the artist creating all Maori themed Kakahu and Hu, as well as other custom design shoes and apparel with both Punjabi and Maori Combinations, I am married and am a Mum to 3 beautiful children whom you will often see on this website modelling our clothing and shoes, I originate from a small town in the far North Island of New Zealand called Whangarei, but am now settled in Sydney Australia.
The name Mixt Couture has been made up consisting of the meaning behind our mixed culture family. I hope you enjoy our unique Merchandise and I look forward to creating beautiful and unique products for you all.
Hi/Sat Sri Akal My Name is Sukhbir Singh,
and I am the artist creating all Punjabi and Indian themed Apparel and shoes. I am from Punjab, Northern India, and I am now settled in Sydney Australia. I am the Husband of Rochelle and together we form the team that creates Mixt Couture Apparel, I look forward to creating beautiful things, assisting to build your Masterpieces and helping bring them to life.